About Us

As an independent 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization, the Sacramento Police Foundation provides and supports opportunities for the Sacramento Police Department (Sac PD) to build stronger relationships with the communities it serves.  We support meaningful SacPD programs that help staff be their best and a variety of community programs that develop closer relationships with residents.  The end result of our support is a collaborative effort between local communities and the Sacramento Police Department with a shared desire for a safer city.
The Foundation provides a vehicle through which residents and businesses can do their part to help provide resources for programs that will enhance the ability of our men and women in blue to prevent and reduce crime while promoting dialogue between the community and law enforcement. Every day the men and women of the Sacramento Police Department serve the community by responding to calls, making arrests, solving problems, and providing customer service. These duties are part of the job and are expected by the community.  But, there are many other ways SacPD personnel contribute to the health and safety of our neighborhoods, such as participating in holiday giving programs, youth mentoring, Magnet Academy school programs, visits to senior care and hospital facilities, violence prevention activities, and youth engagement initiatives.  In addition to supporting community programs, the Sacramento Police Foundation funding enables police personnel to participate in health and wellness, team building, and educational activities.  The Foundation also funds well-deserved awards for heroism and community service for Sac PD employees.  These activities go beyond traditional police duties and touch the lives of many community members but are not funded through the City of Sacramento budget.
Founded in 1999, the Sacramento Police Foundation is dedicated to securing funding for unbudgeted activities that improve crime-prevention and law-enforcement efficiency leading to measurable improvements in our local communities.  

With every program and initiative the Sacramento Police Foundation undertakes, we enable collaborative public safety and crime prevention promotion through education and awareness.