The Mission of Pedals is to provide purchased or donated bicycles and equipment to low-income children and families in the City of Sacramento and surrounding communities. Pedals creates a positive atmosphere between police officers and the community by providing personal interaction in a learning and giving environment. We aim to combat juvenile delinquency and improve self-esteem by using the bicycle as a vehicle to help improve the lives of youth in our community. In addition, the program provides free helmets for children and bicycle safety seminars at local schools and community events.
About Pedals
Pedals was established in 2008 by police officers from the Sacramento Police Department in conjunction with the Sacramento Police Foundation. These officers spend their time to repair, donate, and help local children and families with their bicycles. These officers have a passion for community outreach, bicycling and enjoy creating some great memories for children that may otherwise not have an opportunity to ride a safe and functioning bike.
Help Us!
The goal is to get money and/or newer bicycles donated so that kids who cannot afford a bicycle can have something to ride! You can help Pedals bring a smile to those less fortunate by donating a new bicycle or money to help with the costs of supplies. All donations to the Pedals program should be made to the Sacramento Police Foundation and may be tax deductible. For more information, please contact the Sacramento Police Outreach & Engagement Unit at (916) 808-0844 or by e-mail at outreach@pd.cityofsacramento.org.
Pedals • P.O. Box 161193 • Sacramento, CA • 95816